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Cooltech Define

Is one of the most advanced cryolipolysis technology for full-body contouring, operating at a minimum temperature of -10°C. It can treat four areas simultaneously, ensuring a quick and efficient procedure.

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Non-surgical fat reduction

Cooltech Define treatments are based on cryolipolysis technology. It is a non-invasive procedure that triggers the apoptosis process through the application of controlled cold to permanently remove a considerable number of fat cells from treated areas.

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Full body contouring treatments

Unique 360° cooling technology, 9 ergonomic applicators that adapt to various body areas and 3D diagnostic templates designed to facilitate patient assessment enable you to achieve unrivalled results in record time. The patented Cool Gel Pad -50°C Smart Contact ensures a safe and effective cryoprotection for your patients during the whole treatment.

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Customize the treatment for each patient

Cooltech Define treats localized unwanted fatty tissue in most areas of the body. Its 9 ergonomic applicators have been designed to adapt to soft and hard tissues and flat and curved areas.

See the results
Cooltech Define is a highly innovative method that has allowed me to fulfil the requests of my patients regarding body shaping. After more than 1000 treatments and many successes, relying on Cooltech Define was one of my best ideas.

Cooltech Define Regulations

Cooltech DefineĀ® device for medical use is intended for the treatment of localized adipose accumulations in patients with BMI < 30. This treatment using Cooltech Define is performed through the reduction of adipose tissue by controlled cooling and could trigger beneficial cardiovascular effects. Additionally, Cooltech Define is also intended for the medical treatment of pseudogynecomastia.

The onset of any side effect must be reported immediately. Please contact the local Sinclair representative or your local distributor. Alternatively send the details to Sinclair at:

For a full list of contraindications, warnings and precautions for this product please refer to the Product Instructions for Use.