Interview with Sinclair representative at Milan Agorà Congress Interview with Sinclair representative at Milan Agorà Congress

Interview with Sinclair representative at Milan Agorà Congress

An interview with the Sinclair Italy Marketing Manager was conducted at the Agorà Congress held in Milan from October 6 to 8, which discussed the company's rebranding and its advantages.

According to Manuela Petrina, Sinclair has an awesome complementary portfolio, which includes injectables, threads, and energy-based devices since 2021 that add more value to the product range.

Agorà is one of the most prestigious Italian scientific societies dedicated to aesthetic medicine.

Their Scientific Director, Professor Alberto Massirone, decided to involve all the companies' "Silver Sponsors" in this communication project to increase their visibility.

Francesca Baraghini, a well-known journalist from SKY Italy, conducted the interview.

Contact our team in Italy for more information.

Manuela Petrina - Marketing Manager - Sinclair
Agorà Industry