A Breakthrough In Ha Beauty A Breakthrough In Ha Beauty



04 giu, 2022, 12:00 - 05 giu, 2022, 12:00

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Meet the Experts: A Peer to Peer Experience sharing session with focus on presenting best case studies in eye and lip area treatments 

- Friday 3rd June – 12.00-12.30 – Booth P255 Level 2

Eye area treatments:

Presented by our panel of Experts:

Dr. Maurizio Cavallini - Plastic surgeon

Dr. Sabika Karim - Aesthetics Doctor


- Saturday 4th June - ​Booth P255 Level 2

Lip area treatments:

Presented by our experts:

Dr. Paloma Borregón - Dermatologist

Dr. Thomas Rappl - Plastic surgeon

Join the Symposium:

- Saturday 4th June - Room 352 AB Level 3 Channel 12

An aesthetic treatment of the face and neck using combinations of PLLA/PLGA suspension sutures, Silhouette Soft, and a new cross-linked hyaluronic acid, MaiLi.

Presented by our experts:

Dr. Victoria Manning - Aesthetic doctor

Dr. Thomas Rappl - Plastic surgeon

Dr. Franco Vercesi - Plastic surgeon


Cadaver Live Anatomy Session with MaiLi:

- Friday 3rd June, 11.00-11:25 - Room Ternes

Injections of the periorbital area and upper face. Presented by our Expert:

Dr. Catherine Gaucher - Dermatologist

Dr. Franco Vercesi - Plastic surgeon