Reaction offre soluzioni sicure, efficaci, indolori e non invasive.

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Reaction puts You, the Practitioner, in the Drivers Seat. With Reaction at your fingertips, you’re in full control when treating patients. You manage the depth of penetration, so you can treat a patient’s entire body and face, including the forehead, jaw, and other bony areas, without worrying about causing your patient discomfort.

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Take Action with Reaction!

The Reaction is a clinically proven, safe, effective, painless, non-invasive solution. The Reaction aesthetic system includes three, easily interchangeable treatment applicators: FC, BC and ST.

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Redefining Aesthetic treatments

Reaction is for a temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite, relief of minor muscle spasms, and temporary improvement of local blood circulation.

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How does Reaction works?

Going beyond single frequency limitations, Reaction’s CORE™ Technology offers the aesthetic professional an unheard-of level of control and targeting depth precision that delivers immediately visible results.

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‘Very few technologies that are non-invasive can give you a ´wow´ effect - this is a WOW! Already, the fact that we can treat these areas without surgery and with such good results is resonating loudly just by word of mouth and no external marketing.’

1. USA - sollievo di dolori muscolari minori, sollievo di spasmi muscolari, miglioramento temporaneo della circolazione sanguigna locale, riduzione temporanea dell'aspetto della cellulite.
2. UE - riduzione temporanea della cellulite e modellamento del corpo attraverso la riduzione temporanea della circonferenza.